Shab-e-Barat 2024 will be observed on 29th March in Bangladesh. Let’s learn how to celebrate Shab e Barat according to Quran and Sunnah.
Every moment is precious. A devoted Muslim always never wastes time and seeks the opportunity to make the best use of the time performing several sorts of ibadat. But sometimes it gets more precious than the rest. Shab-e-Barat 2024 is such a night that it makes all Muslims wait. Muslims all over the world wait patiently to get this occasion to earn the rewards the night bestows. Muslims pray to Almighty “Oh, Lord shower the mercy of the months of Rajab and Shabaan and get us to reach the holy month of Ramadan.”
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What is Shab-e-Barat?
Among the most celebrated and prestigious nights in Islam, Shab-e-Barat is the one that stands by unique identity, glory and enormous significance. To get the exact meaning, let’s break down the word.
The word ‘Shab’ comes from the Persian language that means ‘night’ and ‘Barat’ roots in Arabic that means redemption. So, the title is an Arabic-Persian word that means ‘the night of redemption’.
Basically, the name Shab-e-Barat is popular in South Asian countries and in few African territories. The whole Arab call the night ‘Lailatul Barat’. It is sometime called by some other names, sometime referred as Mid Shabaan. These are the scholarly titles of this holy night. As per the nature and the significant several names have been conferred.
When Shab-e-Barat 2024 will be observed?
Shab-e-Barat 2024 is going to be observed on Feb 25, 2024 in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is the fifteenth night of the month of Shabaan. Shabaan is the eighth month of the Islamic year. The previous year, Shab-e-Barat had been celebrated on 6th March 2023. Muslims all over the globe are waiting eagerly to welcome the night. Here, on this blog, all related topics to Shab-e-Barat 2024 will be discussed in detail.
History of Shab-e-Barat
With the saying of prophet (PBUH) When it is the night of the middle of Sha’ban, spend its night in prayer and observe a fast on that day. Shab-e-Barat has been celebrating. It was narrated in the hadith. However, some scholars argue that it also echoes in the holy Quran. They point to the Sura Ad Dukhan, Verses 3-4.
Shab-e-Barat in Quran
Quran directly says nothing about Shab-e-Barat. But scholars extract the hints of it from Sura Ad Dukhan. In which Allah the Almighty says, “Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, We were to warn [mankind]. On that night is made distinct every precise matter.” [Sura Ad Dukhan, Verses (44:3-4)]
Shab-e-Barat in Hadith
The hadith is the only source where Shab-e-Barat has been discussed. Watch the following video to know the Ahadith regarding Shab-e-Barat.
The Deeds (Aamal) of Shab-e-Barat
We can discuss now how to celebrate Shab-e-Barat and what are the most prominent amaal of this holy. One thing that should be transparent before we approach further in this topic, that there is no precise form of ibadat or piece of worship prescribed by our Prophet (PBUH) for this night.
Muslims in some countries create their own form of Jamaal to celebrate Shab-e-Barat that later got territorial and poor global recognition. What people in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and Iran are doing in this night for centuries are not verified by the hadith and other trusted sources.
Beyond that, doing any specific practice for centuries and collectively cannot be the criteria if the Sunnah and Quran don not back it. So, how can we observe this night? Despite no specific worship is shown in the holy scriptures for this night, a Muslim can perform the night through several Nafl ibadat that do not violate the core principles of Islam.
The following ibadat can be practiced throughout the night of redemption.
- Try as much as Nafl or voluntary act of worship in the night. But be aware of the Bidah. People tend to do some act that has no basis in Islam.
- Performing Nafl salah with longer Qirat, Qiyam and Sujud.
- Ask mercy and forgiveness for you, your family, relatives and the whole Ummah from Allah the Almighty.
- Recite the Holy Quran.
- Read Dhikr (remembering Allah).
- Read Durood (send blessings upon the Prophet SWS).
- You can fast the next day. But remember it’s not proved by Sahih Hadith.
Celebration of Shab-e-Barat around the Globe

Shab-e-Barat is celebrated all over the world by the Muslim community. The way of celebration sometimes varies as the culture does. But Islam has no specific rules for any community based on the territory and geographical identity. However, some differences have been noticed in celebrating the Holy Shab-e-Barat. Let’s see the differences among the few notable countries.
Shab-e-Barat 2024 in India
India is one of the largest populated countries in the world. Muslims are the second common religion in India. They have their distinct way to observe Shab-e-Barat there. Shab-e-Barat is celebrated there with due respect and grandeur. This year, Shab-e-Barat will be observed in India on Feb 25, 2024. Around 172 million Muslims will observe with their family.
People of India start preparation for this magnificent night from the first night of the month of Shaban. In the night time, people gather at the mosques to say Nafl salah. The children enjoy the night most. Along with the elders, they head to mosque and fake their elders. This is the most beautiful scenario of the night.
On the very night, rich people expand their hands to the poor. They donate cash money and offer meal to the poor. It is one of the most precious Aamal of the night. But the saddest thing about the celebration of Shab e Barat India is that few people cannot cut the tie with Bidah. They still practice some Bidah.
Shab-e-Barat 2024 in Pakistan
With no difference, people of Pakistan wait for this holy night from the beginning of the eighth Islamic calendar month Shaban. They try to make best use of the night. People head to mosque to perform Nafl or hardheaded salah with longer Qiyam and Sujud. They listen to the Islamic lectures on the mosque delivered by the Islamic scholar.
Women at home do their job. They prepare different delicious foods for the family and to serve the other guests at home. After getting finished all the household chores, women take shower and get prepared for the whole night. They perform Nafl salah and recite the holy Quran.
Shab-e-Barat 2024 in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is another Muslim majored country in the Indian Subcontinent. People of the country has a lion’s heart for practicing all sort of Islamic day and festivals. They start taking preparation for this holy night as soon as the month starts. Like the other Muslims in the territory, they enjoy the night with great festivity.
After the sunset, they head to the mosque to start the night. They listen to Islamic lectures on various topics related to the holy night. Elders take their children to the mosques putting them new clothes and caps. Kids perform salah and fake their elders next to their parents.
Shab-e-Barat 2024 Video
The following couple of videos will have you the chunk of true and authentic knowledge of Shab-e-Barat. Let’s watch them and pray for them in return.
Let’s Observe Shab-e-Barat 2024
Muslims all corner of the glove will try best to earn mercy and maximum rewards on this Shab-e-Barat 2024. Shab-e-Barat or Lailatul Barat is the glorious night that can heal rotten hearts and enlighten our hearts with Noor. But we have to learn about it and have to observe it with the correct manner to get the rewards and all the blessings of Allah the Almighty. Along with that, Bidah is another evil that can ruin our reward and spoil instead of getting enlightened with the night.
So, I urge you to stay away from all sorts of Bidah and Riah (deeds those are performed to show off before people) to get the reward and mercy. Remember, your all Aamal and donation should be solely for Allah (SWT) not for others. May Allah grant us all to observe all Aamal and rituals according to Quran and Sunnah. Ameen.
Please, remember all the mankind in your prayer in Shab-e-Barat 2024.
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