Are you checking out Dhaka To Tangail Train Schedule and ticket price?
If yes, you’re in the right place. We are now providing all Dhaka to Tangail Train Schedule with Ticket Price. The train Distance from Dhaka to Tangail is about 70 Kilometers.
If you would like to travel From Dhaka to Tangail, Train is the best suggestion for you. The Schedule for Dhaka to Tangail is formed consistent with Bangladesh Railway.
Table of Contents
Dhaka To Tangail Trains
More than 11 trains are accessible on this route. All the trains are intercity trains. The trains are as follow:
Ekota Express Train
Ekota Express is one of the most popular trains that provide well services in Bangladesh. This train runs from Dhaka to the Dinajpur route. It starts its journey at 9.50 am and arrives at 7.00 pm in Dinajpur. The seat of this train is classified into 4 different categories. Shovon general, Shovon chair, first berth, AC berth are the available class of seats.
Sundarban Express Train
Sundarban Express is an intercity express train. It runs from Dhaka to Khulna route. It starts the journey at 6.20 am and arrives in Khulna at 3.40 pm. The seat of this train is divided into different categories. Shovon general, Shovon chair, first berth, AC berth are the available class of seats.
Lalmani Express Train
Lalmoni Express is the only train that is available from Dhaka to the Lalmonirhat route. The journey starts off this train at 9.45 pm from Dhaka and arrives at 7.20 am in Lalmonirhat. The seat of this train is classified into many different categories like Shovon general, Shovon chair, first berth, AC berth, AC, Snigdha.
Drutajan Express Train
Drutajan Express is an intercity express train of Bangladesh railway. It runs from Dhaka to the Panchagarh route. The train starts from Dhaka at 10 pm and arrived in Panchagarh at 6.20 am. There are several different classes seat like Shovon general, Shovon chair, first berth, AC berth, AC, Snigdha available in this train.
Silk City Express Train
Silk City Express is an intercity express train. It runs from Dhaka to Rajshahi route. the journey of this train starts at 2.45 pm from Dhaka and reached Rajshahi at 10.35 pm. The seat of this train is classified into 4 different categories. Shovon general, Shovon chair, first berth, AC berth are the available class of seats.
Padma Express Train
This is one of the luxurious trains in Bangladesh. It runs between Dhaka to Rajshahi route. It begins its journey at 11.00 pm from Dhaka and arrives at 4.30 pm in Rajshahi. The seat of this train is classified into 4 different categories. Shovon chair, Snigdha, AC berth and AC are the available class of seats.
Chitra Express Train
This is the first-class intercity train service from Dhaka to Khulna route. It begins its journey at 7.00 pm from Dhaka and arrives at 5.10 pm in Khulna. Chaitra express has four types of seat category. Shovon chair, Snigdha, AC berth and first berth are the available categories of the seat.
Nilsagar Express Train
Nilsagar Express train is an intercity express train from Dhaka to Chilahati. It starts the journey from Dhaka at 8.00 am and reached Chilahati at 5.45 pm. There are 6 types of classes on this train. They are Shovon general, Shovon chair, First seat, AC berth, Snigdha and First berth.
Dhumketu Express Train
Dhumketu Express is run from Dhaka to Rajshahi route. Dhumketu express starts its journey at 6 am and reached Rajshahi at 12 pm. there are 4 categories seat are available on this train. They are Shovon chair, AC berth, Snigdha and AC seat.
Rangpur Express Train
Rangpur Express is the only intercity train that runs in the Rangpur region. This train started from Dhaka at 9.00 am and arrive in Rangpur at 7.00 pm. there are 4 categories seat are available on this train. They are Shovon chair, Shovon general, Snigdha, and Snigdha AC seat.
Sirajganj Express Train
Sirajganj Express train is an intercity train that runs between Dhaka to Ishwardi route. It begins its journey at 5.00 pm from Dhaka and reached Ishwardi at 11.30 pm. 6 categories seat are available on this train. Shovon chair, AC seat, AC berth, Snigdha, First class and First berth.
On the off chance that you might want to make a trip From Dhaka To Tangail, at that point, these trains are accessible for you. These express trains are among the least difficult trains on this route.
Dhaka To Tangail Train Schedule 2021
Train no | Train Name | Off day | Departure time | Arrival time |
769 | Dhumketu Express | Saturday | 6.00 am | 8.00 am |
726 | Sundarban Express | Tuesday | 6.20 am | 8.35 am |
765 | Nilsagar Express | Monday | 8.00 am | 10.15 am |
705 | Ekota Express | Tuesday | 10.00 am | 12.05 am |
751 | Rangpur Express | No | 11.40 am | 01.55 pm |
753 | Silkcity Express | Sunday | 02.40 pm | 05.05 pm |
776 | Sirajganj Express | Saturday | 05.00 pm | 07.35 pm |
764 | Chitra Express | Monday | 07.00 pm | 09.00 pm |
757 | Drutajan Express | Wednesday | 08.00 pm | 10.05 pm |
751 | Lalmani Express | Friday | 10.10 pm | 12.15 am |
759 | Padma Express | Tuesday | 11.05 pm | 01.15 am |
The timetable for Dhaka to Tangail is given underneath with a whole table. Practically, every day the train is out there on this route. For the most part, all the trains Left Dhaka from Airport Stations. The train schedule from Dhaka to Tangail is given below.
Dhaka to Tangail Train Ticket Price
The total distance from Dhaka to Tangail is 70 km. consistent with space, Bangladesh Railway fixed ticket price for Dhaka to Tangail route. The Ticket price For Dhaka to Tangail and Tangail to Dhaka given below:
- Shovon -90 BDT.
- Shovon Chair -105 BDT.
- First Seat -175 BDT.
- 1st Birth -140 BDT.
- Snigdha- 210 BDT.
- AC Seat -210 BDT.
- AC Birth- 315 BDT.
All train price in Bangladesh is typically hooked into the accessibility of the train. A number of this ticket price is often lower or higher. You can purchase tickets during a different way of going from Dhaka to Tangail. You’ll purchase a ticket online or directly attend the station. to gather your card before getting to Dhaka to Tangail then travel.
That’s all about Dhaka to Tangail train schedule and ticket price 2021. And we hope that your journey will be safe and happy.
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