Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule 2021 has been updated. Here is everything you need to know.
Sylhet is a beautiful place. Sylhet is always on the top of the holiday destination list for Shrine of Hazrat Shah Jalal and Hazrat Shah Paran as well as its hills and tea gardens.
If you are planning to spend your next holiday in Sylhet, you should know that Dhaka to Sylhet train service is really good. There are 4 trains on the Dhaka to Sylhet route. They are Parabat Express, Joyantika Express, Upaban Express and Kalani Express.
Some trains have weekly off day and some haven’t. So you need to know the Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule before you pack for Sylhet. We have prepared the complete Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule with assistance of Bangladesh Railway website. Our Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule and Sylhet to Dhaka train schedule are 100% correct and updated.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Sylhet Train Schedule 2021
Here is the schedule of the all 4 Dhaka to Sylhet Trains with weekly off day. If you also need to check Dhaka to Sylhet train ticket price, click here.
Parabat Express
Parabat Express is 709 no. train. It is the best train on this route. It leaves Kamalapur railway station at 06:20 and arrives Sylhet railway station at 13:00. Tuesday is the off day of Parabat Express.
Joyantika Expres
The number of Joyantika Express is 717. Joyantika Express departs Kamalapur railway station at 11:15 and reaches Sylhet railway station at 19:00. Joyantika Express has no weekly off day on Dhaka-Sylhet route.
Upaban Express
Upaban Express is 739 no. train. It leaves Kamalapur railway station for Sylhet city at 20:30 and get to Sylhet railway station at 05:00. Upaban Express runs on Dhaka-Sylhet route every day except Wednesday.
Kalani Express
The number of Kalani Express is 773. Kalani Express starts its journey from Dhaka Kamalapur railway station at 15:00 and reaches Sylhet railway station at 21:30. It takes Friday as the weekly day off on this route.
Sylhet to Dhaka Train Schedule 2021
Here is Sylhet to Dhaka train schedule and weekly off day information. If you need to travel from Sylhet to Dhaka, you need to learn about Sylhet to Dhaka train ticket price, click here.
Parabat Express
Parabat Express (709) departs Sylhet railway station at 06:20 and arrives Dhaka Kamalapur railway station at 13:00. It avails Tuesday as weekly off day on Sylhet-Dhaka route.
Joyantika Express
Joyantika Express (train no. 718) leaves Sylhet station and 11:15 and reaches Dhaka railway station at 18:25 every day except Thursday.
Upaban Express
Upaban Express starts at 20:30 from Sylhet station and its arrival time at Dhaka Kamalapur railway station is 05:00. Upaban Express has no weekly day off on Sylhet-Dhaka route. It takes day off on Wednesday.
Kalani Express
Kalani Express runs on Sylhet-Dhaka route every day except Friday. It leaves Sylhet railway station at 15:00 and reaches the destination at 21:30.
We have just given the Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule and Sylhet to Dhaka train schedule with weekly off day information. We hope your journey to the land of boundless beauty will be great. We will publish a bunch of contents on the natural beauty and history of the spirituality of Sylhet city. Stay tuned and if you need further information, ask in the comment section below.
Thank you. It was really helpful.
You are welcome, Mr. Siraj.
We are happy to help you with Dhaka to Sylhet train schedule and ticket price. You can also learn more about Bangladesh railway here https://probangladeshi.com/bangladesh-railway/.
Please feel free to ask if you need more information related to Bangladesh railway schedule and ticket price. We would be more than happy to help you with that.
Have a good day.