Dhaka to Cumilla train schedule 2021 and ticket price is updated recently by Bangladesh Railway authority. Comilla is a city of historical relics. If you are searching for Dhaka to Comilla train schedule, you are in the right place.
Here, we have organized the latest and updated Dhaka to Comilla train schedule according to Bangladesh Railway.
Dhaka to Cumilla Train Schedule
Train Name | Day Off | Departure Station | Departure Time | Arrival Station | Arrival Time |
Comilla Commuter | Monday | Dhaka | 13:30 | Comilla | 19:52 |
Mohanagar Provati | No | Dhaka | 07:45 | Comilla | 11:00 |
Mohanagar Express | Sunday | Dhaka | 21:00 | Comilla | 00:52 |
Chittagong Mail | No | Dhaka | 10:30 | Comilla | 16:00 |
Karnaphuli Express | No | Dhaka | 08:30 | Comilla | 14:20 |
Also check: Dhaka to Sylhet Train Schedule
There are about five trains through which you can reach Comilla from Dhaka. Among them, Comilla Commuter is the only train which is maintained for Dhaka to Comilla transport. Others are the Dhaka to Chittagong train services and have a halt in Comilla.
Comilla Commuter: Comilla commuter is the special train for Dhaka to Comilla Train service. The departure time from Dhaka is 1:30 PM and reaches Comilla 7:52 PM. Monday is the weekly off day for Comilla Commuter.
Mohanagar Provati: Mohanagar Provati is a Dhaka to Chittagong train service. It will halt Comilla for some time. The train has no off day. The Mohanagar Provati starts from Dhaka at 7:45 Am and reaches Comilla at about 11 AM.
Karnaphuli Express: Karnaphuli Express is another train for Dhaka to Chittagong train service. The buzz off time from Dhaka is 8:30 AM and arrival time at Comilla is 2:20 PM. However, it has no off day in a week.
Dhaka to Comilla Train Ticket Price
The distance from Dhaka to Comilla is 191 KM. But, Dhaka to Comilla train ticket price is comparatively lower than any other transport. Here is the updated list for Dhaka to Comilla train ticket price. The price of the tickets include VAT.
Type | Fair |
AC Berth | 702 BDT |
AC Seat | 466 BDT |
Snigdha | 391 BDT |
1st Class Berth | 405 BDT |
1st Class Seat | 270 BDT |
Shovon Chair | 205 BDT |
Shovon | 170 BDT |
Sulov | 105 BDT |
Commuter | 85 BDT |
2nd Class Mail | 70 BDT |
Dhaka to Comilla Train Schedule PDF Download
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Also check: Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2021
Here, we have the latest and updated information about Dhaka to Comilla train schedule. We have also organized the most delayed Dhaka to Comilla train ticket price, according to Bangladesh railway.
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