Looking for Dhaka to Brahmanbaria train schedule 2021 and ticket price? Let me tell you all about it elaborating on the route.
Due to circumstances, you should always be up to date with train schedules and ticket prices so that you don’t miss out on important events. Here’s the updated Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule and Ticket Price 2021.
If you’re willing to make your Brahmanbaria trip comfortable with the train journey’s privileges, check out Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule & ticket price below.
For even more info, please check: Bangladesh Railway Train Schedule and Ticket Booking
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Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule 2021
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria is an extremely busy route. Whether peak days or not, this route is always busy with crowded trains.
Keeping the demand in mind, a number of intercity trains and mail trains are assigned in Dhaka-Brahmanbaria route. Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule update will help you with the necessary information about each train. We have included the departure and arrival time of both intercity trains and mail trains in our Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule.
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Intercity Trains Schedule 2021
Mahanagar Pravati
Mahanagar Pravati is the favorite choice of most passengers when it comes to swift and convenient travelling experience. The train number is 704. Its departure time is 7.45 am and arrival time is 9.45 am. The train is available all 7 days of the week.
Mahanagar Express
If you’re looking for a nighttime train, Mahanagar Express is a good option. The train number is 721. Its departure time is 12.30 pm and arrival time is 15.23 pm. This train is not available on Sunday.
Turna Express
Turna Express is a popular choice for nighttime journey. The train number is 742. Its departure time is 23.00 pm and arrival time is 00.34 am. This train is available all 7 days of the week.
Upokul Express
You can take this train to reach your destination before it gets too dark. The train number is 712. Its departure time is 15.20 pm and arrival time is 17.02 pm. The train is not available on Tuesday.
Parabat Express
Want to leave for Brahmanbaria as early as possible in the morning? This is the train for you. The train number is 709. Its departure time is 6.35 am and arrival time is 8.30 am. The train is not available on Tuesday.
Joyantika Express
All the passengers preferring mid-day journey, Jayontika express is right at their service. The train number is 717. Its departure time is 12.00 pm and arrival time is 2.12 pm. This train is available all 7 days of the week.
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Mail Trains Schedule 2021
Titas Commuter
This mail train will help you to reach Brahmanbaria by evening. The train number is 36. Its departure time is 2.40 pm and arrival time is 5.40 pm. This train is available all 7 days of the week.
Chattala Express
Best suited for those who want to start after mid-day. The train number is 68. Its departure time is 13.00 pm and arrival time is 15.22 pm. The train is not available on Tuesday.
Chittagong Mail
It will take the whole night to reach Brahmanbaria with this train. Are you alright with staying awake for the most part of the trip? The train number is 2. Its departure time is 10.30 pm and arrival time is 4.30 am. This train is available all 7 days of the week.
Karnafuli Express
This is the morning mail train for Brahmanbaria. The train number is 4. Its departure time is 8.30 am and arrival time is 12.30 pm. This train is available all 7 days of the week.
Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Ticket Price 2021
The ticket price is also included here, along with Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule. Now, depending on your berth, the ticket price is going to vary. Here’s a list of all the ticket prices starting from the cheapest first.
Seat/Ticket Type | Ticket Price |
Second General Berth | 40 BDT |
Second Mail Berth | 50 BDT |
Commuter | 60 BDT |
Sulov | 75 BDT |
Shovon | 120 BDT |
Shovon Chair Coach | 145 BDT |
First Chair Coach | 190 BDT |
Snigdha | 240 BDT |
AC seat | 275 BDT |
First Berth | 285 BDT |
Official information source: http://www.railway.gov.bd
However, don’t jump to the decision instantly after seeing the price list. The trip gets less privileged as the ticket price lessens. So keep that in mind before deciding to purchase a ticket. It is the latest update of Dhaka to Brahmanbaria Train Schedule 2021 and Ticket Price.
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