Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule 2021 and ticket price has been updated by Bangladesh Railway recently. We have covered all the latest information here.
Are you looking for Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule? You are in the right place where you can know everything details about Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule and fare and vice versa
There are eight train services available for Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule. Three of them are mail trains, and the rest are intercity service. Hope this article will help you to know Chittagong to Dhaka train ticket price and schedule. You can also buy or book a train ticket from a mobile phone or online.
Table of Contents
Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule 2021
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As there are intercity and mail trains available, you can travel with any one of them. Here, you can learn all the updated information about Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule and ticket price 2021.
Subarna Express
Subarna express departs from Chittagong at 7 AM and reaches in Dhaka at 12:20 PM. Monday is the weekly off day for the intercity train express.
Sonar Bangla Express
The buzz off time for Sonar Bangla express from Chittagong is 5 PM and arrival time is 10:10 PM. The intercity express has an off day in a week as it is Tuesday.
Mohanagar Provati
Mohanagar Provati starts the journey at 7:20 AM from Chittagong and arrives at 3:20 PM in Dhaka. The train has no off day in a week.
Mohanagar Godhuli
Mohanagar Godhuli is an intercity train service for Chittagong to Dhaka train service. The departure time from Chittagong is 3 PM and the arrival time in Dhaka is 9:10 PM. Monday is the weekly off day for the train.
Turna Express
Turna Express is an express train service for Chittagong to Dhaka Train schedule. The train is well-known to maintain the schedule. The departure time is 11 PM from Chittagong and arrival time is 5:25 AM in Dhaka. Turna Express express has no weekly off day.
Chittagong Mail
Chittagong Mail starts the journey to Dhaka from Chittagong at 10:30 PM and reaches in Dhaka at 6:55 AM. The mail train has no weekly off day.
Karnaphuli Express
Karnaphuli Express is an express train service for Chittagong to Dhaka g Train schedule. The train is well-known to maintain the schedule. The departure time is 10:00 AM from Chittagong and arrival time is 7:45 PM in Dhaka. Karnaphuli express has no weekly off day.
Chattla Express
Chattala Express departs from Chittagong at 8:40 AM in the morning and reaches in Dhaka at 4:40 PM. The train enjoys Tuesday as off day in a week.
Chittagong to Dhaka Train Ticket Price 2021
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Remember that children under three years old are free from the fare. On the other hand, it is compulsory to buy a half ticket for every 3 to 12 years old child. Over 12 years old age, you have to buy a full ticket.
That’s all about Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule and Chittagong to Dhaka Train Ticket Price. We hope our post helped you find the information you need. If you need anything else, please write in the comment section below. We will reach you sooner than you imagine.
Where is Chittagong railway station. Now I am in near of Chittagong bondor
The Chittagong Railway Station is at Chittagong Division, Chittagong. You can use your phone GPS and Google Map to locate the station. The GPS coordinate of Chittagong Railway Station is 22.334,91.8298
Just copy this GPS coordinate and paste in Google map search box to find the exact location.
Have a safe Chittagong to Dhaka train journey.
When the train will reach in comilla?? Chattala expresschittagong to dhaka…
Hi Erfan,
This post only covers Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule. So, for Dhaka to Comilla Train Schedule, please visit .
Thank you.
When the train will reach in comilla??
Hi Erfan,
This post only covers Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule. So, for Dhaka to Comilla Train Schedule, please visit .
Thank you.
Chittagong to Dhaka, Sonar Bangla. 08-08-2019
Please let us know how was your journey?
I am from kolkata, India. wish to visit chitagong & Dhaka during 2 oct to 8 th/9th Oct’19.
wish to travel fron chitagong to dhaka by train. how to get ticket to travel on 7th oct19??
Welcome to Bangladesh. Please visit and read the following post that explains how to buy train ticket online in Bangladesh.
Here is the post URL:
Thank you.
ছাত্রদের জন্য হাফ ভারা হবে না(ঢাকা থেকে চিটা) ?
জ্বি না, ফুল ভাড়াই নিবে।
Ticket prices seem to be non-current. Also prices vary for different trains. An updated position will greatly benefit the people visiting this site. Thanks
Sir, all the information has just been updated. Please check now and let us know if there is still anything we need to work on. Thank you.
Ctg to dhk which is the fast train?
Sir, all the trains from CTG to Dhaka takes almost the same time. But if you would like to have my personal suggestion, I would suggest Sonar Bangla train.
Chittagong mail ticket price tk 120
Feni to Biman Bandar vara koto?
Feni to Biman Bandar vara koto?